Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The value of a firm handshake

I have had several unpleasant handshake experiences over the past few months, and I'm just wondering what happened to the firm American handshake?

Frankly, when you extend your hand in welcome, friendship and especially as a symbol of your honesty in business dealings it is simply creepy to get back a limp, clammy dead fish of a hand with absolutely no shake to it. Yuck!

But this happens way too often (once a decade is reasonable). I used to assume this kind of handshake was mainly relegated to the female of the species, but unfortunately I've run into a couple of men recently. I want to grasp their shoulders and shake them and announce, "That's not the way you do it!"

There's nothing more American than sealing a deal with a handshake. What does a lack of backbone on a handshake say about the person you've just sealed the deal with? Shady, weak-willed, anemic? I'm sorry, only older folks and those who are ill should deliver this type of handshake.

Boy, I'm passionate about this one.

Seriously, though, I've wanted to coach those who came looking for a job or wanted to offer me one when I've run into the limp handshaker. How can they expect to be taken seriously if they can't even deliver a confident handshake? Women especially must be cognizant of the impression the give when they clasp another hand in the business world. You must make the other person feel comfortable that you can handle what lays ahead or that they can trust you to stick to what you've offered in a job or business deal.

So, let's revive the good old-fashioned handshake, for the sake of all those who use it as a daily tool and especially to live up to our American ideals! Okay, that may be a little over the top, but you know what I mean.

Shake on it?

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