Friday, January 30, 2009

Recognizing the Spirit in Things...


There are many who will be appalled at the fact that I name all the things I love. My RV is Wanda. My computer is Toby – it’s a Toshiba. My little red Toyota Yaris is Bebe, because she reminds of a little red ball bearing just rolling along. I have a little piece of polished citrine that I call my Gratitude rock and a similar piece of carnelian that is my Love rock. When I spot them suddenly and pick them up, I am reminded to be grateful for all I have in my life and treasure the love all around me.

This has been a habit of mine for years. Before Bebe, I had an Isuzu Rodeo I called Suzie. Officially it’s called animism, attributing human qualities to objects. Make no mistake; I do consider the things I name to have a personality, even a soul.

I know what you’re thinking, “What does this nut job mean by that? Things don’t have souls.” Actually, the idea has been around for eons, in other cultures. But the truth for me is that I can feel a spirit in certain things and beyond that it gives me great pleasure to recognize the importance of these objects in my life.

Come on. You know the joy of cranking your car engine over and hearing it roar, especially when by rights the thing should have quit long ago. How about when a little sweet talk seems to revive your tired and battered computer? Goofy? I think not!

Anyway, the odd looks I sometimes get when I refer to Wanda or Bebe don’t really bother me. I just feel a bit sorry for the individual who is missing out on recognizing the spirits of things all around them.

If I bother to get into a conversation with said individual, I find that same person will often admit to getting a strange feeling in some homes or buildings. What is the difference, I wonder?

How do you end a piece that reveals so much of you? I guess with a blessing to others – May you find the spirit in the things around you, too.

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