Saturday, October 18, 2008

Are Thoughts Magnetic?

An incredible experience led me to suddenly considered the idea that perhaps thoughts do have a sort of magnetism to them.

I had been mulling over a problem at work, in which I was having trouble communicating with someone who was trying to train me. The frustration level on both sides was increasing and something had to be done. Sunday morning, I awoke with the answer in my head, which was amazing clear and concise.

"She's verbal and I'm visual!" With that mental statement, an incredible sense of relief came over me. In essence, my trainer was prone to trying to explain things without any written instructions, simply through telling me. I'm sure that works well for those who are basically verbal. For me, it had been pure torture. I need to "see" it and also to be able to refer to it again, in writing.

What made this discovery such a happy one for me was what happened after that revelation. I was literally swamped with realizations from my past. Things that had bothered me over the years and this simple understanding explained them.

For instance, it has always mystified me that I can sing along with a song or hear it over and over; yet I'm unable to memorize it. I have always been annoyed by that and even thought I was perhaps disabled in some way. This ah-ha moment enlightened me. Now, if I want to learn a song, I'll look it up on the internet, print out the lyrics and memorize it.

The rushing of thoughts continued and I had a mental image of a large round magnet as the first thought and all of these subsequent thoughts flowing towards it as if by the pull of an unseen force - magnetism.

As probably many of you know, there is a theory (expounded by many throughout the ages, but most recently in a book called "The Secret"), that what you think about you bring to you. After this experience, I'm even more prone to believe that this is true.

I wonder sometimes, if we have thoughts that gather others along with them and we just don't perceive the connections; that perhaps we are "turned off, and tuned out" as hippies used to say. Perhaps, thoughts are invisible but have an unknown physicality to them? a whole new meaning to the term "woolgathering", a decidedly physical description of daydreaming or cogitating.

Happy thoughts to all of you and may your mental magnet be in full force!

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