Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Everything Comes Full Circle

So, I’ve finished my novel, which was originally called “Full Circle,” and it's now called “Red Mojo Mama.” The title change and small shift in how I viewed my heroine, have given me a push in the right direction. The full manuscript is out to one agent and another asked for three chapters and a synopsis. Pray for me please!

My original title, however, had a meaning that I’ve found to be so true over the years. I believe in karma, in “what goes around comes around” and the cyclical nature of life. I’ve also come to believe that what you start out to accomplish and abandon along the way, can come back to you with more strength than ever.

I began writing when I was eleven years old. My first writing was a poem, entitled “Evergreen.” I still have the original, written on notebook paper in pencil. That same year, a few months later, I wrote a poem called “The Mark of Our Time”, which I sold to a magazine in the early 90’s. Isn’t that amazing?

While I experienced some horrific things as a child and young adult, those incidents built me into the person I am today, and offer so many touches to the stories and articles I’ve written. They’ve also gifted me with perception, understanding and kindness, I hope. So, where there was bad there is now good.

So, I guess this is an homage to my original title – boring as it was – because the truth is everything always comes full circle.

By the way, I've started two other blogs:

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